Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chapter 1: Shift and Puzzle

           Shift and Puzzle lived in the far west, beyond Lantern Waste in Narnia. One day they were walking by the river when they spotted something coming down the waterfall; Shift told Puzzle to go and get whatever it was, (Puzzle did not want to do this but ended up doing it anyways,) and when they got on land they saw that it was a lion skin.

           Shift told Puzzle to some fruit while he made a coat for him. So Puzzle went and got the ape some fruit and while Shift sowed the lion skin. When Puzzle got back the ape had sowed the skin and put it on Puzzles back. He said, "You look wonderful, wonderful. If anyone saw you now, they'd think you were Aslan, the Great Lion, himself." Puzzle thought that would be terrible, but the ape said it wouldn't because everyone would listen to you, but Puzzle still didn't like the idea of pretending to be Aslan.

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