Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chapter 2-6: How the children came

About three weeks later the king and his friend, Jewel the Unicorn, were sitting near the kings hunting cabin, talking about spottings they had heard of of Aslan. While they were talking, Roonwit the Centaur came up and told them that he had heard of the spottings of Aslan, but the stars, (for most centaurs are star watchers,) were not showing the signs of Aslan, but of tragedy.
           A little while later a Dryad yelling out "Woe, woe, woe, woe for my brothers and sisters!  Woe for the holy trees!  The woods are laid waste.  The ax is loosed against us.  We are being felled.  Great trees are falling falling falling."  And with that she yelled , "a-a-a-h," she gasped in shuddering pain, shuddering as if with many blows, and she fell over and disappeared in a mist. All that were there knew that her tree had just been cut down.
           The king grew furious and sent Roonwit for Car Parvel to get a small army while he and Jewel went to the sight of the cutting. When they got there they saw two Carlormen with a talking horse in harness and whipping it. Anger came over the king and Jewel and they rushed upon them and killed them. They unbound the horse and asked him why they were doing such a thing, and it said, "by Aslan's orders." They were confused and gave themselves up to the Carlormen.
           The Carlormen brought them to an ape that was sitting in front of a shack and was dressed in the dumbest way, he had a scarlet shirt on which didn't fit him, jeweled slippers on his hind paws which hardly stayed on because they were made for feet, and a paper crown on his head. He claimed to be the speaker for Aslan. The Carlormen brought the two up to Shift and he took the kings sword and had them bound up.
          That night the king watched a big bone fire and a thing that looked like a lion come out of the shack. All the people and beasts bowed down to the lion.
           The next morning he woke up very thirsty and the day went by slowly. That night mice and other small creatures brang him food and water. That night he had a dream, (so he thought,) and he saw the Pevencie children, Jill and Eustace, and Diggory and Polly.  They saw him and noticed that he was Narnian.  He was not able to speak but they knew what he was there for.
           The next morning two children showed up and unbound him.  They told him that they were Jill and Eustace that helped King Rilian the disenchanted.  He led them to an old battle building and they stayed there that night.  That night, they went to the shack where the ape was and went up to it with caution.  There was a guard on site that was lightly sleeping.  Tirian snuck up on him and told him to tell him where the unicorn was otherwise it was death.  So he told him and they went and freed Jewel who was going to be executed the next morning.
           At the same time, Jill went into the shack and discovered that Puzzle was the one that was pretending to be the lion.

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