Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chapters 9-16: The new beggining

           When they got to the stable, they hid behind it in the woods until the meeting came at dusk.  Then the ape and the lead Calorman lit the bonfire and the beasts and Calormen crowded around.  The ape told them that Aslan wasn't coming out every night any more.  The group of dwarfs laughed and said that was because he didn't have Aslan.  So they asked who should go through the stable door to see if Aslan was in there.  Ginger the cat offered to go in and see 'Tashlan.'  So he went in the stable door and came streaking out with wide eyes and bristled hairs and went straight up a tree and couldn't talk anymore.
           Then one of the Calorman offered to go in for he wanted to see Tash himself.  He went in and there was a great light and there was nothing else to be seen.  Then the Narnians from behind the stable jumped out and attacked the Calorman along with some of the wild beasts of Narnia.  Later more Calorman troups came in and attacked so the Narnians retreated and the Calorman threw them into the shack and much to Tirian's surprise, there was the four Pevincies, Eustace, and Jill, also Diggery and Polly as he had seen in his dream.
           For through the shack door, if you believed in Aslan, you came into his great world.  Aslan then showed up and Narnia started to end.  All the creatures and stars that believed in Aslan came through the doorway into the real Narnia but the ones who did not believe in Aslan were washed away into a river and carried far far off.
           Then Father Time woke up and blew his horn and Narnia's sun grew bigger, then Father Time reached out across the sea and crushed the sun.  Then Aslan had great King Peter shut the door forever.
           Then all the creatures went further up and further in where they met Reepicheep, Caspian the Seafearer, King Rilian the Enchanted, and many other Narnians of the past.  They went into a garden where Lucy discovered that beyond the land of Narnia there was England and they saw their mother and father far off waving at them, for all of them had really died in a train accident.
           And after that it was a new beginning of even greater adventures for all the Narnians.

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